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Discover the Artful Makeover of Warby Parker's Newest Store Illustrations by Monique Aimee
Project Spotlight, Illustration, Mural Closer&Closer Admin Project Spotlight, Illustration, Mural Closer&Closer Admin

Discover the Artful Makeover of Warby Parker's Newest Store Illustrations by Monique Aimee

When a talented illustration artist is given the opportunity to infuse their creativity into a space as beloved as a Warby Parker store, magic happens. This was precisely the case when the Connecticut native and dedicated Warby Parker enthusiast, Monique Aimee, was entrusted with the task of creatively painting the walls of the new Warby Parker store in Darien, Connecticut.

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Beer, Wine & Spirits Packaging By C&C Artists
Project Spotlight Folk Founded Project Spotlight Folk Founded

Beer, Wine & Spirits Packaging By C&C Artists

Last month, we gave our artists a particular challenge: to create eye-catching illustrations for a beer, wine, and spirits campaign, and let their artistic styles shine through. And shine through they did! A whopping fourteen different designs and labels showcase our artists' talent in the most remarkable ways! Our artists went above and beyond to bring their creative vision to fruition.

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