Doug Fuchs Discovering the Heart of Seattle through Map Illustration

In a world increasingly dominated by technology, there is something captivating about the art and intricacy of a handcrafted map. Doug Fuchs takes his map illustrations to a whole new level.

Doug recently had the opportunity to create a tribute show “This Must Be The Place” to his beloved neighborhood of Ballard in Seattle. At the heart of this show was a magnificent 12-foot map that showcased the very essence of Ballard, capturing its best restaurants, parks, and other hidden gems.

When asked what inspired this project, Doug shared that it “emerged during a walk with friends at the Ballard Locks. I was struck by the abundance of fascinating elements here that would lend themselves perfectly to a visually stunning map.”

Doug went on further to explain that “Ballard has an eclectic charm. You can see mountains in the distance and hear seagulls in the morning. The town boasts a Nordic museum, a botanical garden, a beach, and a weekly farmer’s market.” A perfect place to gather inspo from!

After gathering his inspiration, Doug started to collect his friends’ favorite local haunts to include on the map. “One of the aspects of my work I’m always trying to balance is complexity versus simplicity. With such a complicated map, I kept the colors, shapes, and lifeworks as simple as possible.”

After creating this wonderful map, now it was time to show it off! “When printed and installed on the wall, the massive, complex map was large enough for guests to interact with. It was really satisfying to see people point out their apartment building or their favorite morning coffee shop.” What a wonderful way to share this beautiful map!


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