Nick Liefhebber's Journey Into Board Game Design

Welcome to a wonderful world of creativity and imagination, where art meets play. This is the new board game Lacuna, completely illustrated by Nick Liefhebber! Lacuna is a game by CMYK Games, a 2 player game with the goal of collecting the most flowers in the most colors by the end.

The game’s aesthetic is based on mystical fairy tales and ancient rituals. This cozy game of mystical geometry was a project Nick was super excited to jump into, so today he’s sitting down to tell us how this exciting new game came to be.

“The idea that people will play with the design in their free time is wonderful and inspired me to create tactile, warm, and inviting illustrations. From the little metal pawns to the colored wooden pieces with small iconic illustrations.“ Nick shared when asked about how he tackled this project.

He also went on to share that he likes to “create design systems, a bunch of rules and ingredients to create a wide range of graphics. The shapes of these flowers grow and expand on the packaging and are all based on the same simple basic shapes and colors.”

This game is wonderfully made, from the metal and wooden pawns, to the luxurious tube with gold details acting like a flower shaker, and even the large cloth mat you play on.

This is a game you must have stocked for game night! Well done, Nick!


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